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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据OE网站10月14日报道,苏里南国家石油公司Staatsolie周三表示,该公司已与美国生产商雪佛龙公司(Chevron Corp.)就这个南美国家的海上5号区块签署了一份为期30年的生产共享合同。

  在statatsolie发现了一系列石油后,6月雪佛龙勘探苏里南有限公司(Chevron Exploration Suriname Ltd)、道达尔(totalenergy)和卡塔尔石油公司(QATPE.UL)组成的财团在statatsolie举办的一场拍卖会上提交了对5、6和8区块浅水勘探有利的投标。




  Staatsolie董事总经理Annand Jagesar在接受当地一家广播电台采访时表示,这对一个目前正处于相当艰难时期的国家来说是一笔不错的意外之财。


  郝芬 译自 OE


  Suriname's Staatsolie Pens 30-year PSC with Chevron for Offshore Block

  Suriname state oil company Staatsolie on Wednesday said it had signed a 30-year production sharing contract with U.S. producer Chevron Corp for the South American country's offshore Block 5.

  Chevron Exploration Suriname Ltd and a consortium by TotalEnergies and Qatar Petroleum (QATPE.UL) in June submitted favorable bids for shallow-water exploration in Blocks 5, 6 and 8 in an auction by Staatsolie following a string of oil discoveries.

  The Production Sharing Contract (PSC) gives exploration, development and production rights to Chevron Exploration Suriname. Staatsolie can opt for a 40% share of the project during its development phase.

  "Staatsolie is excited to have been able to add another major player in the oil industry to its list of operators. These parties have resources and systems in place to maximize the opportunity for development," the company said in a release.

  Chevron, which agreed to pay a signing bonus of $30.88 million, is expected to cover the block's exploration costs in a first phase that will last six years, Staatsolie said.

  "(This is) a nice windfall for a country that is having a pretty hard time right now," said Staatsolie Managing Director Annand Jagesar in an interview with a local radio station.

  Suriname's shallow-water area covers 120 kilometers from the coast at a depth of up to 100 meters. Block 5, located in the area's west, covers 2,235 square kilometers.




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