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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据能源世界网10月14日新加坡报道,布伦特原油可能会突破阻力位84.02美元并上涨至85.04美元,因为其已在每桶 82.18 美元找到支撑。81.29 美元的目标似乎值得怀疑,这是上升区间所暗示的。只有当油价再次跌至 82.18美元时才会恢复。


  跌破82.18 美元可能为 80.41-81.29 美元的区间开辟道路。在日图表上,上升趋势在区间内保持稳定。

  预计油价将测试85.17-86.74美元的强劲阻力区间。 由于从8月23日低点64.60美元的上涨并未被适当的修正打断,因此更有可能在该区间附近暂停,而不是克服这一障碍并走高。

  郝芬 译自 能源世界网


  ANALYSIS: Brent crude oil price may rise to $85.04 per barrel

  Brent oil may break a resistance at $84.02 and rise to $85.04, as it has found a support at $82.18 per barrel. A target at $81.29 looks doubtful, which is suggested by a rising channel. It will only be resumed when oil drops to $82.18 again.

  Even though there is early sign of the uptrend continuation, the resumption may not be confirmed until oil breaks $84.02, because the bullish momentum does not look strong enough to confirm the continuation.

  A break below $82.18 could open the way towards $80.41-$81.29 range. On the daily chart, the uptrend remains steady within a channel.

  Oil is expected to test a strong resistance range of $85.17-$86.74. It is more likely to pause around this zone than to overcome this barrier and shoot higher as the rise from the Aug. 23 low of $64.60 has not been disrupted by a decent correction.



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