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随着气温下降 欧洲天然气价格上涨

时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大

原标题:随着气温下降 欧洲天然气价格上涨

  中国石化新闻网讯 据天然气加工网站10月12日报道 英国和荷兰天然气批发价格周二上午上涨,因对气温较低的预测刺激了需求,对供应的持续担忧提振了市场。





  王磊 摘译自 天然气加工


  European gas prices rise as colder temperatures loom

  British and Dutch wholesale gas prices rose on Tuesday morning as forecasts for cooler temperatures stoked demand and ongoing fears over supply lifted the market.

  The British day-ahead contract was up 4.50 pence at 2.08 pounds /therm by 0936 GMT. The British weekend contract TRGBNBPWE> was up 10.50 pence at 2.07 pounds/therm.

  The November gas price at the Dutch TTF hub, a European benchmark, was up 2.50 euros at 86.25 euros/megawatt hour. Traders said forecast for colder weather had lifted demand, while concerns over few deliveries of liquefied natural gas (LNG) into Europe and rises in prices across the energy complex had lifted gas.

  “Temperatures in the UK will stay near the seasonal normal over the week and fall below the seasonal normal towards the weekend,” analysts at Refinitiv said in a daily research note. Average temperatures in Northwest Europe are forecast to be below seasonal norms this week, the analysts said.

  The British November gas price was up 3.44 pence at 2.20 pounds per therm. The benchmark Dec-21 EU carbon contract was down 0.19 euro at 58.96 euros/t. The benchmark Dec-21 British carbon contract was down 0.17 pounds at 63.75 pounds/t.




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