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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据《能源年》10月8日纽约报道,英国石油公司(bp)周四宣布,该公司收购了一家旨在将商业建筑转变为灵活能源资产的公司。


  蓝图技术(Blueprint Technology)目前与纽约五家最大的商业地产业主合作,这些业主目前生产13兆瓦可再生能源电力。


  英国石油公司Launchpad and Ventures高级副总裁萨姆·斯科利(Sam Skerry)表示,在我们努力为实现“净零”世界发挥自己的作用之际,对人口密集的城市地区进行脱碳是一项关键挑战。Blueprint的技术可以帮助实现这一关键转型。它有助于确保获得可再生能源,重要的是,它还为许多部门创造了新的商业机会。

  郝芬 译自 《能源年》


  BP to generate renewable power from urban buildings

  BP has acquired a company that aims to turn commercial buildings into flexible power assets, the UK multinational announced on Thursday.

  The new technology will allow urban structures to generate, store and trade renewable energy by connecting them to energy markets through cloud-based software.

  Blueprint Technology currently works with five of New York’s largest commercial real estate owners, which currently generate 13 MW of renewable energy.

  BP plans to increase this to 36 MW by 2022.

  “Decarbonizing dense urban areas is a key challenge as we work to play our part in realizing a net zero world. Blueprint’s technology can help deliver this critical transformation,” said Sam Skerry, senior vice-president of bp Launchpad and Ventures. “It can help secure access to renewable energy and, importantly, also create new business opportunities for many sectors.”




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