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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据今日石油网2021年10月9日报道,由于在未来几个月将进行更多的油气勘探活动,位于圭亚那近海的斯塔布鲁克区块以及相邻的坎赫区块和凯厄图尔区块在未来可以向世界交付大约150亿桶油当量的碳氢化合物。

  与埃克森美孚公司签订合同的海上船舶服务提供商波旁圭亚那公司总经理Edward Cooper表示:“在未来几年里,整个地区的原油产量将大幅上升。”




  李峻 编译自 今日石油网


  Stabroek, Canje and Kaieteur blocks could deliver 15 billion boe, says head of Bourbon Guyana

  The massive Stabroek Block offshore Guyana along with the adjacent Canje and Kaieteur Blocks could deliver around 15 billion barrels of oil equivalent as more exploration campaigns get underway in the coming months.

  “Production of crude oil over the whole region will ramp up dramatically in the course of the next few years,” says Edward Cooper, General Manager of Bourbon Guyana, a marine vessel service provider on contract with ExxonMobil.

  Exxon makes new Guyana discovery, increases resource to 10 billion barrels

  “The largest operator is ExxonMobil, in a consortium with Hess etc, with the Stabroek, Canje and Kaieteur blocks expected to total approximately 15 billion barrels of reserves,” Cooper said.

  The head of Bourbon Guyana operations said Stabroek is a 37-well project, 15 of which are now ongoing.

  “The other blocks in the region owned by the ExxonMobil consortium are Canje, which consists of 15 wells of which 3 are ongoing, and Kaieteur, which is slated to start up in March 2022,” he stated.

  Exxon targeting 12-well bonanza at Kaieteur Block

  Exxon has applied to Guyana authorities for approval for two major campaigns at the Canje and Kaieteur Blocks that will see the oil major targeting around 12 wells in each block in a major ramp up in exploration drilling offshore the South American country.

  Exxon targeting 2022 start-up for major 12-well campaign at Canje Block




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