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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博新闻社莫斯科报道,由于欧洲能源危机的恶化,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气/Gazprom)上调了今年天然气出口价格指导,同时暗示对可能的天然气出口量持谨慎态度。

  作为欧洲最大的天然气供应商,这家俄罗斯天然气巨头重申,增加国内天然气天然气库存是其首要任务。 伍德公司.和BCS 全球市场公司周五分别在与俄气的经理们举行网络研讨会后的报告中写道,只有在俄气在10月底之前将自己的储存设施重新填满后,俄气才会考虑增加对欧洲大陆的天然气出口。

  伍德公司俄罗斯研究部门负责人达维莱辛写道,俄气将其对欧洲和土耳其的全年天然气出口指导价上调至每1000立方米295美元至330美元。总部位于莫斯科的Sova Capital高级分析师米奇·杰宁斯也提出了相同的价格区间。 俄气对欧洲地区平均价格前景的修正,对俄气的投资者来说是个好消息,因为这表明可能会出现更高的股息。

  伍德公司和Sova Capital还说,俄气坚持其对欧洲和土耳其全年天然气供应的保守估计,预计供应量为1830亿立方米。


  李峻 编译自 彭博新闻社


  Russia’s Gazprom mulls higher gas prices for Europe as energy crisis deepens

  Gazprom PJSC increased its 2021 price guidance for natural gas exports, while signaling caution on volumes it could ship, as Europe’s energy crisis worsens.

  The Russian gas giant, Europe’s biggest supplier of the fuel, reiterated that shoring up inventories at home was its top priority. Only after it has refilled its own storage facilities by the end of October, would the company look at potentially increasing exports to continental Europe, Wood & Co. and BCS Global Markets wrote in separate notes Friday following a webinar with Gazprom managers.

  Gazprom increased its full-year gas-price guidance for exports to Europe and Turkey to a range of $295 to $330 per 1,000 cubic meters, wrote Ildar Davletshin, head of Russian research at Wood & Co. Mitch Jennings, a senior analyst in Moscow-based Sova Capital, also outlined the same price range. The revised outlook on Gazprom’s average prices in the region is good news for the company’s investors as it signals higher dividends may be coming.

  Both Wood & Co. and Sova Capital also say that Gazprom is sticking with its conservative estimate of full-year gas supplies to Europe and Turkey, which is seen at 183 billion cubic meters.

  Gazprom didn’t immediately respond to a Bloomberg request for a comment sent outside normal business hours.


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