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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据烃加工网站10月12日消息 尽管原油价格反弹至三年高点,但几乎没有证据表明亚洲最大进口地区的需求正在复苏。事实上,整个地区9月份的进口量较上月有所下降,因为高价格和新冠疫情造成的经济破坏继续影响燃料需求。


  根据Refinitiv Oil Research的数据,9月份亚洲原油进口量为2299万桶/天,低于8月份的2324万桶/天,仅略高于7月份的2261万桶/天。


  吴恒磊 编译自 烃加工


  Asia crude oil imports stay soft

  Despite a rally in crude oil prices to three-year highs, there is scant evidence that demand in the top importing region of Asia is recovering. In fact, imports across the region dropped in September from the previous month, as high prices and economic disruption from the coronavirus pandemic continued to affect fuel demand.

  What there is early evidence of is that the major producers in the OPEC+ group of exporters are re-gaining market share lost due to their earlier output cuts, as they ramp up production and cut their official selling prices.

  Asia's crude imports were 22.99 MM barrels per day (bpd) in September, according to Refinitiv Oil Research, down from 23.24 MMbpd in August and only just above July's 22.61 MMbpd.

  The softness in September imports are most likely a reflection of the high official selling prices (OSPs) for Middle Eastern grades that prevailed at the time when September-arriving cargoes would have been arranged.




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