时间:2021-10-22 点击: 次 来源:不详 作者:佚名 - 小 + 大
原标题:英国煤炭发电量大幅增加 中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价网站10月15日消息 据彭博社报道,由于本周风速较低以及一家天然气发电厂停电,周五早上,煤炭满足了英国约3%的电力需求,达到了一个月来英国发电量的最高水平。 英国上一次3%的电力来自煤炭是在9月初,当时风力发电量减少了可再生能源的供应,并引发了英国批发电价的大幅飙升。 周五早些时候,公用事业公司Uniper在拉特克利夫启动了其燃煤发电厂,而由RWE运营的威尔士彭布罗克燃气发电厂遭遇了意外停运。 根据国家电网ESO的数据,过去一周,天然气一直占据英国发电量的最大份额。例如,周三,天然气生产了英国44.8%的电力,超过了风能19.2%和核能12.6%。 9月,飙升的天然气价格和温暖而平静的天气迫使英国为满足电力需求而启动了一座处于备用状态的旧煤电厂。 英国承诺在2024年10月前逐步淘汰燃煤发电。 如果英国政府要求德拉克斯电力公司在该国乃至整个欧洲的能源危机中继续运营,那么该国最后两座燃煤发电厂将在规定的2022年关闭期限后继续运营。 德拉克斯首席执行官威尔·加德纳9月底向英国《金融时报》表示:“如果政府希望我们重新考虑我们的计划,我们需要在未来几个月与他们进行对话。” 上周,英国政府承诺到2035年实现该国电力系统的脱碳。 英国政府表示:“虽然天然气发电在保持英国电力系统安全和稳定方面继续发挥着关键作用,但清洁能源技术的发展意味着未来天然气的使用频率将降低。” 去年,英国的目标是成为海上风能的全球领导者,到2030年为英国的每个家庭提供风能。 王磊 摘译自 今日油价 原文如下: Coal Generation In UK Jumps As Wind Speed Drops Coal met some 3 percent of the UK’s electricity demand on Friday morning, reaching its highest level of Britain’s power generation in one month, amid lower wind speeds this week and an outage at a gas-powered plant, Bloomberg reports. The last time the UK generated 3 percent of its electricity from coal was in early September when low wind generation reduced renewable power supply and triggered the massive spikes in UK wholesale electricity prices. Utility Uniper fired up its coal-powered plant in Ratcliffe early on Friday, while the gas-fired plant in Pembroke, Wales, operated by RWE, suffered an unplanned outage. Over the past week, gas has consistently accounted for the largest share of the UK’s electricity generation, according to data from National Grid ESO. For example, on Wednesday, gas produced 44.8 percent of Britain’s electricity, more than wind with 19.2 percent and nuclear with 12.6 percent. Surging natural gas prices and warm and still weather in September forced the UK to fire up an old coal plant that was on standby in order to meet its electricity demand. The UK has pledged to phase out coal-fired power generation by October 2024. UK power company Drax could have its last two coal-fired plants in the country operating beyond the 2022 deadline it had set for closure if the UK government asks it to keep them operational amid the energy crisis in the country and the whole of Europe. “If the government wants us to rethink our plans, we need to talk to them in the next few months,” Drax’s chief executive Will Gardiner told the Financial Times at the end of September. Last week, the UK government committed to decarbonizing the country’s electricity system by 2035. “While gas generation continues to play a critical role in keeping the UK electricity system secure and stable, the development of clean energy technologies means it will be used less frequently in the future,” the UK government said. Last year, it said that the United Kingdom would aim to become a global leader in offshore wind energy, powering every home in the country with wind by 2030. 海量资讯、精准解读,尽在新浪财经APP |