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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸工程网站10月18日消息 法国能源巨头道达尔董事长兼首席执行官周一在阿伯丁开设了该公司的英国海上风电枢纽。





  吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


  TotalEnergies Opens UK Offshore Wind Hub in Aberdeen

  French energy major TotalEnergies' Chairman and CEO Patrick Pouyanné on Monday opened the company’s UK Offshore Wind Hub in Aberdeen.

  "The Hub will be part of the company’s existing offshore operations center in Aberdeen. The Hub will enable the transition of staff from oil and gas to offshore wind as that part of the Company’s UK business grows. It will thus leverage the offshore expertise that TotalEnergies’ Aberdeen operations have built over the last 50 years," TotalEnergies said.

  “Investing in energy projects in Scotland and the North Sea has been at the heart of TotalEnergies’ history. I am proud of the success of our partnership with Scotland and of our joint achievements, in particular the development of the offshore industry. With the energy transition gathering speed, we see Scotland as a great place to broaden our relationship by investing in offshore wind.

  "As a global multi-energy company long engaged in UK energy supply, our decision to base our UK Offshore Wind Hub here in Aberdeen is a mark of our confidence in the future of renewables in the UK and our continued commitment to Scotland and the North Sea.” said Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies

  The announcement comes as TotalEnergies, in partnership with Macquarie’s Green Investment Group and Scottish developer Renewable Infrastructure Development Group (RIDG), take part in the ScotWind leasing round having proposed a 2 GW offshore wind project called “West of Orkney Windfarm”.


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