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油价继续攀升 连续第八周上涨

时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大

原标题:油价继续攀升 连续第八周上涨

  中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油10月18日报道,受冬季即将来临的能源危机的刺激,油价在连续第八周上涨后,于周一再次走高。



  经纪公司PVM oil Associates的分析师Stephen Brennock表示:“在进入冬季之前,需求将超过供应,这应该会保障油价的上行压力。”





  黎泱 编译自 世界石油


  Oil price climb continues, logging eighth weekly gain

  Oil rose higher on Monday following an eighth weekly gain, spurred on by the energy crunch as winter approaches.

  Futures in New York were above $83 a barrel after adding 3.7% last week, capping the longest run of weekly gains since 2015. A shortage of natural gas is creating extra demand for oil products like fuel oil and diesel from the power generation sector. That’s coincided with key economies rebounding from the pandemic.

  West Texas Intermediate was at its strongest in almost seven years earlier on Monday, while Brent, the global benchmark, topped $85 a barrel on Friday for the first time since late 2018. The OPEC+ alliance is still only adding incremental, monthly supplies. Some members are not even expected to meet current output targets.

  “Demand is outstripping supply heading into the winter months, and this should safeguard upward pressure on oil prices,” said Stephen Brennock, an analyst at brokerage PVM Oil Associates.


  ·WTI for November delivery rose 1.03% to $83.13 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange at 10:32 a.m. in London after climbing 1.2% on Friday.

  ·Brent for December settlement added 0.6% to $85.38 on the ICE Futures Europe exchange after gaining 1% on Friday.

  India’s diesel consumption, meanwhile, is gathering pace with the onset of annual festivals, increasing sales to about pre-virus levels in the first half of October. The battered aviation sector is also poised for a boost, with the U.S. set to open its borders to vaccinated foreigners on Nov. 8.




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