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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据油田技术10月20日消息称,BW能源公司宣布,作为加蓬近海托尔图第2阶段油田开发的一部分,最后两口DTM-6H和DTM-7H生产井的连接已经完成,并开始生产作业。


  BW能源首席执行官Carl K. Arnet说:“托尔图第2阶段开发在预算和修订的时间框架内完成。我们期待着在这两口井首次采油后产量的增长。在运营上,我们现在将专注于稳定生产和完成项目活动。”

  2021年第三季度,托尔图油田的总产量平均约为9000桶/日,同期总产量为80万桶。与2021年第二季度相比,产量下降主要是由于工厂关闭和临时运营问题。天然气提升能力的短缺也影响了生产。BW Adolo上安装了氮气发生器,大大提高了生产效率。

  曹海斌 摘译自 油田技术


  BW Energy starts production from well offshore Gabon

  BW Energy has announced that, as part of the Tortue Phase 2 field development offshore Gabon, hook-up of the final two production wells DTM-6H and DTM-7H has been completed and handover to production operations made.

  The Gamba well DTM-7H was successfully brought online as of 19 October. The second well, DTM-6H in the Dentale formation, is scheduled to come onstream in the coming days. Current production prior to the two new production wells is around 11 500 bpd.

  “The Tortue Phase 2 development was completed below budget and within the revised timeframe. We look forward to the production growth following first oil from the two wells. Operationally we will now focus on stabilisation of the production and wrapping up the project activities”, said Carl K. Arnet, CEO of BW Energy.

  Gross production from the Tortue field averaged approximately 9000 bpd in 3Q21, amounting to a total gross production of 0.8 million barrels of oil for the period. The decrease in production compared to 2Q21 was mainly due to plant shutdowns and temporary operational issues. A shortage of gas lifting capacity also impacted production. A nitrogen generation unit has been installed on BW Adolo which has significantly improved production efficiency.?




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