时间:2021-10-22 点击: 次 来源:不详 作者:佚名 - 小 + 大
原标题:本周油价从多年高点回落 中国石化新闻网讯 据今日油价网站10月19日消息 周二,油价出现逆转,削弱了当天早些时候的涨幅。一些分析师称,随着全球能源危机的持续,油价从多年高点短期回落。 截至美国东部时间周二上午10:50,WTI原油交易价格下跌0.04%,至82.46美元;布伦特原油交易价格下跌0.09%,至84.34美元。 油价保持在周一早些时候触及的多年高点附近,当时WTI原油触及2014年10月以来的最高水平,为83.73美元,国际基准原油价格一度跃升至每桶86.04美元以上,为2018年10月以来的最高价格。 石油周一晚些时候走弱,这种疲软持续到周二。 ING策略师沃伦·帕特森和姚文宇周二表示:“9月份美国工业生产下降,无助于提振市场情绪。” 周一,在电力短缺和原料短缺以及第三季度低于预期的经济增长的情况下,看跌的数据抑制了价格上涨。 王磊 摘译自 今日油价 原文如下: Oil Falls From Multi-Year Highs Oil prices reversed course on Tuesday, paring gains from earlier in the day in what some analysts described as a short-term pullback from multi-year highs as the global energy crunch continues. As of 10:50 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, WTI Crude was trading down 0.04% at $82.46 and Brent Crude was down 0.09% at $84.34. Oil prices held close to the multi-year highs reached early on Monday, when WTI Crude hit the highest level since October 2014 at $83.73 and the international benchmark briefly jumped above $86 per barrel at $86.04, which was the highest price since October 2018. Oil weakened later on Monday and this weakness continued into Tuesday. “A fall in US industrial production in September would have not helped sentiment,” ING strategists Warren Patterson and Wenyu Yao said on Tuesday. On Monday, bearish data capped price gains, as well as lower-than-expected economic growth in the third quarter. 海量资讯、精准解读,尽在新浪财经APP |