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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据钻机地带10月7日消息称,大型石油公司埃克森美孚在圭亚那Stabroek区块再次发现石油后,将该区块的可采储量预估提高至约100亿油当量桶。

  埃克森美孚周四表示,更新后的资源估计包括 Cataback-1井的一个新发现,这使 Stabroek 区块内的重大发现总数达到 21 个。

  Cataback-1井在高质量含油气砂岩储层中发现了243英尺的净产层。它位于Turbot-1以东约3.7英里,由Noble Tom Madden钻井船在5928英尺的水下进行钻井。Turbot-1的发现是在2017年10月宣布的。

  埃克森美孚勘探和新项目高级副总裁Mike Cousins表示:“该发现增加了Turbot/Tripletail地区的资源,提高了开发项目的潜力。我们的专利技术、全球勘探经验和钻井能力继续在Stabroek区块产生积极的结果,这将为圭亚那带来额外的价值。”

  Stabroek区块占地660万英亩,埃克森美孚的子公司Esso Exploration and Production圭亚那有限公司是该区块的运营商,拥有该区块45%的权益。Hess圭亚那勘探有限公司持有该区块30%的权益,圭亚那石油有限公司持有剩余25%的权益。


  Hess公司首席执行官John Hess 表示:“我们很高兴 Cataback 是我们在 Stabroek 区块的第 21 个重大发现,并进一步巩固了未来发展的潜力。我们看到该区块仍有数十亿桶的额外勘探潜力。”

  曹海斌 摘译自 钻机地带


  Exxon Guyana Block Resource Estimate Rises To 10B Barrels

  Supermajor ExxonMobil has increased its estimate of the discovered recoverable resource for the Stabroek Block off Guyana to around 10 billion oil-equivalent barrels after striking oil there one more time.

  ExxonMobil said on Thursday that the updated resource estimate included a new discovery at the Cataback-1 well, which brings the total significant discoveries to 21 within the Stabroek Block.

  The Cataback-1 well encountered 243 feet of net pay in high-quality hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone reservoirs. It is located approximately 3.7 miles east of Turbot-1 and was drilled in 5,928 feet of water by the Noble Tom Madden drillship. The Turbot-1 discovery was announced back in October 2017.

  “This discovery adds to the resource in the Turbot/Tripletail area, enhancing the development project potential. Our proprietary technologies, global exploration experience, and drilling capabilities continue to yield positive results in the Stabroek Block, which will generate additional value for Guyana,” SVP of exploration and new ventures at ExxonMobil Mike Cousins stated.

  The Stabroek Block is 6.6 million acres and ExxonMobil’s affiliate Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited is the operator with a 45 percent interest in the Stabroek Block. Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. holds 30 percent interest and Petroleum Guyana Limited holds the remaining 25 percent interest in the block.

  In a separate statement, Stabroek partner Hess claimed that the latest estimate is up from the previous estimate of more than 9 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

  “We are pleased that Cataback is our 21st significant discovery on the Stabroek Block and further underpins the potential for future developments. We continue to see multibillion barrels of additional exploration potential remaining on the block,” Hess CEO John Hess said.?


上一篇:随着冬季临近 天然气价格飙升


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