时间:2021-10-22 点击: 次 来源:不详 作者:佚名 - 小 + 大
原标题:阿曼的石油产量达到2.32亿桶 中国石化新闻网讯 据阿拉伯贸易10月11日消息称,截至2021年8月底,阿曼的石油产量为2.329425亿桶,而截至2020年8月底,阿曼的石油产量为2.335752亿桶。据阿曼国家统计信息中心(NCSI)公布的最新数据显示,这一数字下降了0.3%。 数据显示,截至2021年8月底,平均日产量为958600桶,比2020年同期的957300桶增加了0.1%。据《阿曼时报》报道,平均油价从每桶47.7美元上涨至67.9美元,涨幅达42.3%。 产量下降的原因是原油产量下降5.9%,至2021年8月底,原油产量为1.796127亿桶,而2020年同期为1.909116亿桶。 截至2021年8月底,凝析油产量约为5332.98万桶,较2020年同期的4266.36万桶增长了25%。 数据进一步显示,到 2021 年 8 月底,石油出口总量下降 2.8%,降至约1.882713亿桶,而去年同期为1.936395亿桶。 曹海斌 摘译自 阿拉伯贸易 原文如下: Oman’s oil production tops 232 million barrels Oman's oil production stood at 232,942,500 barrels till the end of August 2021, compared to 233,575,200 barrels till the end of August 2020. This constituted a decline of 0.3%, according to the latest data released by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI). The data indicated that the average daily production till the end of August 2021 increased by 0.1% to 958,600 barrels, compared to 957,300 barrels in the same period in 2020. The average price per barrel increased by 42.3%, from $47.7 per barrel to $67.9, according to a report in the Times of Oman. This decline in production is attributed to a 5.9% drop in crude oil production, amounting to 179,612,700 barrels by the end of August 2021 compared to 190,911,600 barrels in the same period in 2020. The oil condensate production stood at around 53,329,800 barrels, comprising a 25% increase till the end of August 2021, compared to 42,663,600 barrels during the same period in 2020. The data further revealed a decrease in the total oil exports by 2.8% till the end of August 2021 to reach about 188,271,300 barrels, compared to 193,639,500 barrels in the same period last year. 海量资讯、精准解读,尽在新浪财经APP |