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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据离岸工程网站10月19日消息 由于冠状病毒影响了新项目,行业监管机构SKK Migas的官员周二向记者表示,印度尼西亚已削减了今年的石油和天然气产量目标。

  SKK Migas负责人Dwi Soetjipto在一次虚拟新闻发布会上表示,2021年的原油提价目标从早先的70.5万桶/天削减至66.5万桶/天。




  SKK Migas周二公布的数据显示,印尼今年第三季度的石油日产量为66.1万桶,天然气日产量为54.92亿立方英尺。


  然而,SKK Migas的数据显示,液化天然气货物预计明年将增加,目标为211.9批标准货物。

  吴恒磊 编译自 离岸工程


  Indonesia Cuts Oil and Gas Production Targets

  Indonesia has cut its oil and gas production targets for this year, officials at industry regulator SKK Migas told reporters on Tuesday, as the coronavirus pandemic impacted new projects.

  The oil lifting target for 2021 was cut to 665,000 barrels per day (bpd) from an earlier target of 705,000 bpd, SKK Migas' head Dwi Soetjipto told a virtual news conference.

  Gas liftings are targeted to be 5,529 million standard cubic feet per day (mmcfd), down from 5,638 mmcfd, he said.

  "It turns out that the impact of 2020 pandemic caused... minus 20 thousand barrels of oil per day compared to which we expected," Soetjipto said, referring to the shortfall during the third quarter.

  Unplanned shutdowns happened during the pandemic while investors delayed investments, curtailing upstream activities and production, he added.

  Indonesia's oil liftings in the third quarter of the year were 661,000 bpd while gas liftings were 5,492 mmcfd, data from SKK Migas showed on Tuesday.

  The data also showed that Indonesia's liquefied natural gas (LNG) liftings from January to September this year were 149.5 standard cargoes. The regulator said in July that it expects 206.1 cargoes this year. [nL3N2OC3PL}

  However, LNG cargoes are expected to increase next year and are targeted to be at 211.9 standard cargoes, SKK Migas' data showed.


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