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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油网站10月18日报道 美国能源信息管理署(EIA)在其10月份的《短期能源展望》中预测,10月至3月期间,美国基准亨利中心的天然气现货价格平均将为5.67美元/百万英热单位,为2007-2008年以来的最高冬季价格。最近几个月亨利中心价格的上涨和预测反映了进入冬季取暖季节的储存水平低于平均水平,以及对美国液化天然气的强劲需求,即使美国天然气产量增长相对缓慢。EIA预计,由于产量增长超过液化天然气出口增长,亨利中心价格将在2022年第一季度后下降,今年的平均价格将为4.01美元/百万英热单位。




  王磊 摘译自 世界石油


  EIA expects U.S. natural gas prices to stay high through the winter

  WASHINGTON - In its October Short-Term Energy Outlook, the U.S. Energy Information Administration forecasts that natural gas spot prices at the U.S. benchmark Henry Hub will average $5.67 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) between October and March, the highest winter price since 2007–2008. The increase in Henry Hub prices in recent months and in the forecast reflect below-average storage levels heading into the winter heating season and strong demand for U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG), even after relatively slow growth in U.S. natural gas production. EIA expects Henry Hub prices will decrease after the first quarter of 2022, as production growth outpaces growth in LNG exports, and will average $4.01/MMBtu for the year.

  U.S. exports of LNG are establishing a record high this year, a new record high anticipated for next year. EIA epects LNG exports to average 9.7 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) this year (3.2 Bcf/d more than the 2020 record high of 6.5 Bcf/d) and to exceed annual pipeline exports of natural gas for the first time. The year-on-year increase in LNG exports coincides with slight growth in U.S. natural gas production. U.S. dry natural gas production is expected to average 92.6 Bcf/d this year, which is 1.1 Bcf/d more than in 2020 but 0.3 Bcf/d less than in 2019.

  Because U.S. LNG exports have grown faster than domestic natural gas production, inventories are lower than average. As of the end of September, EIA estimates that total U.S. natural gas inventories are 5.5% below the five-year (2016–2020) average. EIA forecasts that U.S. inventories of natural gas will begin the winter heating season on November 1 at 3,572 Bcf, or 4.8% below the five-year average. Lower U.S. inventories could contribute to more natural gas price volatility, particularly if any area in the United States experiences a severe cold snap, which makes the price outlook for this winter very uncertain.

  In the second quarter of 2022, EIA forecasts decreasing Henry Hub natural gas prices as anticipated growth in domestic natural gas production begins to outpace growth in U.S. LNG exports. U.S. production is expected to average 96.4 Bcf/d in 2022, or 3.9 Bcf/d more than in 2021, and U.S. LNG exports to rise by a smaller amount, 1.4 Bcf/d, during this time period. This faster growth in forecast production will put downward pressure on natural gas prices.


上一篇:受燃料强劲需求推动 美国炼油商收益将上升


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