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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据ICIS-MRC网站10月20日莫斯科报道,据烃加工信息网显示,雪佛龙Lummus全球责任有限公司(CLG)已宣布扩大其技术组合,增加新的ISOTERRA工艺,用于从生物质来源生产可再生柴油和可持续航空燃料(SAF)。



  雪佛龙Lummus Global全球许可和销售总监Thad Sauvain表示,当今的市场驱动力指向低碳未来,运营商需要一种能够以低成本实现饲料和产品灵活性的技术。我们的 ISOTERRA 工艺为希望处理各种生物质资源或重新利用现有资产的客户提供了这些好处。

  郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


  Chevron Lummus Global expands its technology portfolio with new renewable fuel technology

  Chevron Lummus Global LLC (CLG) has announced the expansion of its technology portfolio with the addition of its new ISOTERRA process for renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from biomass sources, according to Hydrocarbonprocessing.

  The two-step process involves hydrodeoxygenation of alternative feeds such as vegetable, algae, palm and used cooking oils. It is then followed by dewaxing to meet final cold flow property specifications.

  ISOTERRA helps repurpose existing assets, making it ideal for revamping existing hydrotreaters to renewables service as the process can be implemented in either one or two reactor stages. The two-stage configuration allows feed and product flexibility and robustness, and the single-stage configuration provides a low CAPEX option for existing hydrotreating facilities.

  “With today’s market drivers pointing towards a lower carbon future, operators need a technology that enables feed and product flexibility at low cost,” said Thad Sauvain, Global Licensing and Sales Director, Chevron Lummus Global. “Our ISOTERRA process provides those benefits to customers looking to process a wide variety of biomass sources or repurpose existing assets.”




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