时间:2021-10-22 点击: 次 来源:不详 作者:佚名 - 小 + 大
原标题:二叠纪盆地石油产量趋于疫情前水平 中国石化新闻网讯 据世界石油10月19日消息,随着原油价格飙升,美国最多产的页岩地区的石油产量正接近疫情前的水平。 美国政府周一发布的一份报告显示,虽然美国的总产量仍然落后,但西德克萨斯和新墨西哥州的二叠纪盆地10月份的平均日产量已增至482.6万桶。这接近2020年3月创下的491.3万桶/天的修正纪录,在这之后疫情在全球引发了广泛的需求破坏,导致全国各地的生产关闭和破产。 由于严重的供应短缺,美国基准原油价格目前处于7年高位。本月,纽约原油期货价格自2014年以来首次突破每桶80美元。 二叠纪盆地的盈亏平衡生产成本较低,生产率较高,因此即使美国原油总产量仍在下降,该地区仍处于恢复的最佳位置。该盆地的私人钻井公司一直在寻求利用油价飙升的机会,稳步增加产量,而上市公司则面临股东要求其控制支出的压力。 然而,在其他页岩领域,复苏依然缓慢。自去年年中以来,已经钻探并等待压裂的积压油井(DUC)数量一直在减少。在页岩气蓬勃发展的北达科他州巴肯地区,以及德克萨斯州南部的鹰福特地区,DUC的数量达到了历史最低水平。 根据美国能源部周一发布的报告,巴肯盆地的产量预计将比历史高位低26%,鹰福特盆地的产量将比历史最高水平低37%。 裘寅 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: Permian basin oil output nears pre-pandemic levels Oil output in America’s most prolific shale patch is getting closer to levels seen before the pandemic-driven market crash, as crude prices surge. While total production in the U.S. is still lagging, the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico is increasing output to an average 4.826 million barrels a day in October, according to a U.S. government report Monday. That’s close to a revised 4.913 million barrel-a-day record set in March 2020, just before the pandemic unleashed widespread demand destruction globally, triggering production shutdowns and bankruptcies across the country. Production has been rising with benchmark U.S. crude prices now at seven year highs, underpinned by a severe supply deficit. Oil futures in New York surpassed $80 a barrel this month for the first time since 2014. The Permian has low breakeven production costs, high rates of productivity, and so is best positioned to recover even though total U.S. crude production is still down. Private drillers in the basin have been seeking to capitalize on the surge in oil prices, ramping up volumes steadily, while public companies are under shareholder pressure to keep spending in check. In other shale plays, however, the recovery has been slow. The backlog of oil wells that have already been drilled and are waiting to be fracked, known as DUCs, has been shrinking since the middle of last year. In the Bakken of North Dakota, where the shale boom began, and in the Eagle Ford of southern Texas, the number of DUCs are at their lowest on record. Production in the Bakken is expected to be 26% short of its historical high, output in the Eagle Ford will be 37% below its record volume, according to data from the Department of Energy report on Monday. 海量资讯、精准解读,尽在新浪财经APP |